Friday, October 5, 2007

Things I Need......

Things I Need to Complete My Project

1. the pictures Im going to use
2. to view at least one art exhibiton or gallery
3. a theme
4. a camera to take an individual picture of each piece of art
5. to create a website for the exhibition
6. paper to create new work
7. drawing pencils
8. art markers
9. music

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Project Convo w/ Taffe

> 1. Will it include stuff from the ninth grade even though you wasn't in
> Brooklyn Prepartory?
Yeah. I did some work at my old school that I think would be good
to include in this exhibition.
> 2. How is this project going to be projected? (ex. Website, display board
> with a cd, etc.)
> Its going to be a website type thing. Its going to be an online exhibition of all the art.
3. Do you know how many pictures you are going to use?
> No. Im not really sure how many pictures Im using. There are some, like 3, that I know that Im going to defiantely include. I think that Im going to also produce more artwork specifically for this project.
4. For your project do you plan on doing any kind of research for your
> project?
Yeah I plan on looking at other exhibitions to try and see
which way I want to do mine. I think if I know how standard
exhibitions look, I can try and construct mine creatively and in my
own unique way.