Friday, September 28, 2007

Backwards Planning.....

My project is a display of all my art work that I've produced during
high school at Brooklyn Prep and my old school, High School of Graphic
Communication Arts.

1. Figure out what art I'm going to include in the project.
2. Take a picture of each individual art piece
3. Figure out what kind of theme I want the project to be in.
4, After finding a theme I need to figure out how I want to arrange
the pictures in a way where they complement each other.
5. I need to fnd songs that I think are appropriate to include and
songs that can mostly relate to the art work and that relates to me.
6. Record the songs that was selected (if I am going to sing them)
7. Start putting the pictures together

Final Product- It will be a collage with all of the artwork. There
will be music playing in the background.

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